Au Bord

Difference and repetition

Fluante 7

Video-projector, camera, computer

Au Bord is a video installation projected on the ground whose shape and size evolve according to daily satellite readings taken from the Sea Ice Index, tracking the history of ice concentrations in Antarctica since 1980.

Au Bord

Its outline represents the coastline of the ice continent that slowly contracts and expands with the seasons. The slightest of these variations is captured by the feedback system and projected back into the shape, creating an infinite visual feedback loop.

Au Bord

Feedback loops are part of the fundamental dynamic phenomena studied in climate modeling as well as in the chaos theory of mathematics, often popularized via the famous butterfly effect. In a chaotic system, a minimal change in its state at a given moment can produce quantitatively much greater effects in the future.

Au Bord

Au bord invites the spectator to experience this directly, observing the cascading disturbances of the passage of his body through the projection area.
